Nintendo Starts to Hunt for Pirated Switch Seller Sites

There is no greater nightmare for console manufacturers than to find their favorite products ended up being hijacked, especially when the console's age is "young". Pirated versions do indeed usually encourage an increase in the number of consoles sold, but claimed the potential for 30% revenue sharing from every game sale on their platform which incidentally is the main source of income. This nightmare is what Nintendo has to go through for their hybrid console - Nintendo Switch. After the pirated version was available for a very long time, the threat to the Lite version, which was also prone to being broken, made Nintendo inevitably have to act. Now they are officially after those who dare to sell them.

Nintendo Starts to Hunt for Pirated Switch Seller Sites

With the impossibility of hunting down hackers - Team-Xecuter which has so far managed to appear anonymous with an untraceable identity, Nintendo is now looking for other solutions to prevent the spread of pirated Nintendo Switches. They decided to hunt for reseller sites, at least in the United States. Two lawsuits have been filed in two different areas: Seattle for a site called UberChips and Ohio for several other sites that also sell pirated switches. In their demands, Nintendo requested that all these sites be permanently closed at the same time as compensation of USD 2,500 / pirated units that they had sold in the past.

Along with this demand, Nintendo also requested that all pirated Nintendo Switches currently available in stock from these reseller sites also be confiscated and permanently destroyed. It is not yet clear whether the lawsuits will be processed quickly or not, but one thing is certain, it is enough to make some of these sites immediately withdraw from cyberspace. Will Nintendo win this battle? We wait

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